Is Christmas a GOOD Time to Sell My House?


Is Christmas a GOOD Time to Sell My House?

Here is a question that we often get asked at this time of the year, “How late in the year can I go onto the market FOR SALE before it’s too LATE for the Christmas & New Year period?”


To be fair, there is no Christmas or New Year property market shutdown, it’s a myth! Like most people, some agents may switch off & take a well-deserved break during this time, however real estate never sleeps, the property market doesn’t stop. Last year we sold 5 properties in December with one selling just before Christmas day.


Here are 7 reasons why we will continue to list and sell during the festive season.


  • Not everyone celebrates Christmas and instead, some people use the opportunity in taking time off to look at properties to purchase.
  • Because many sellers are taking a break themselves or think that perhaps it’s not a good time to sell, typically there are fewer homes on the market for sale. This means for those that do list their home for sale will experience higher buyer demand. And generally, fewer options for buyers mean higher prices.
  • More people are home & have the time to be online, searching & buying. Many people are also travelling and checking out properties for investments and even for a potential future move. At this time of year, there are many more passive buyers taking a look at the property market.
  • Many want to start their New Year’s aspirations having secured and ready to settle into their next chapter and their new home.
  • Whilst weekend open homes may not be as frequently booked during the Christmas & New Year period, qualified private inspections work an absolute treat during this period. It allows everyone the option to enjoy time with family and friends while still moving forward with their goals.
  • Buyer demand this year has been unprecedented, unlike any previous year & will continue to be strong up to Christmas & into the New Year. With borders opening and the pandemic settling, many interstate buyers will be ready to find something over the Xmas period this year and happy to pay a premium for the right property too.
  • It’s a spending time of year where consumer spending is on a high and this includes the property market, too.


As always, my advice is to always base your sales aspirations on what is best for you and your circumstances. Also, look at how many homes like yours are potentially on the market for sale, these are your direct competition. Right now, there is a significant shortage of homes in our local area available to purchase and buyers are hungry.


This year I will continue to assist both sellers and buyers with their plans and will have homes coming to market for sale right through the Christmas & New Year period. Currently, we have a bunch of buyers ready to buy now, more than available homes for sale. This will continue to see out the year incredibly strong, with favourable seller prices to continue being achieved into the New Year. If you have any questions or need advice about the property market, now or in the future, please don’t hesitate to call me.


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